Input Files This panel is mainly for setting which log files you would like Analog to analyse. You can add individual files or entire folders of files to this list using drag-and-drop or by clicking the Add File / Folder button. You can filter log files within a selected folder by name or last modified date. This panel also contains other options, which will be described by the context-sensitive help. Note: if you are creating multiple reports using the Create Reports option, you should set the Date from value (and the Date to if you wish), otherwise Analog Helper will have to make a sensible, but probably wrong, guess of the overall time period you are interested in. Output Report This panel lets you set various options connected to the final report file, which can be in text or HTML. You should set the Report Out File to the name and location you want. The Creator field sets which Mac OS 4-character creator code the final report will be given, and therefore which program it will be opened in when the analysis is complete. The Image Directory is a relative path from this output report location. If you leave it as "images/", ensure you have a copy of Analog's images folder in the same location as the output report, otherwise graph bars and other pictures will not show up. The Logo Image File is relative to the image directory. Note: if you switch on domain name lookups in the Domain name mode menu, be aware that analyses will probably take at least 10 times longer than otherwise. Inclusions / Exclusions This panel contains several rule lists (see next section for how rule lists are applied). The three under Filter log entries by allow you to perform an analysis on only a part of the requests made to your web site. You can restrict the analysis to the actual files requested, to the URL of the referring page, or to the address of the requesting host. The two under Keep arguments for let you set which requests and which referring URLs have their arguments (that's the section of the URL after the '?') kept for analysing. If the argument is dropped, two items such as "/cgi-bin/search?info" and "/cgi-bin/search?contact" will be analysed as identical. The two under Add report links for determine which requests and referrers in their respective reports are given HTML links to their actual pages. The Pages rule list lets you set which file names would qualify as referring to a web page (as opposed to an image or CGI script) - you can usually leave this as it is. Lastly, the Analog Configuration Commands list lets you add any additional commands which will be written out directly at the end of the analog.cfg file. This way, you can use any of the few Analog features that Analog Helper does not support, or override any of the commands which Analog Helper outputs.